Rome in Depth

A ten-day winter escape to the “Eternal City” with its Imperial and Christian sites and monuments. Walk the Roman Forums. Gaze at the Sistine Ceiling. Stroll the banks of the Tiber. Relax in the vibrant atmosphere of this city's magnificent piazzas. Sample traditional cuisine in typical restaurants. Stay in a fine, traditional and charming first-class 4-star hotel overlooking the Colosseum. Explore Rome by coach, subway and foot! A history of the Eternal City, the Roman Empire, and Italy in general will be provided by your escort, Michael Quinn. 


March 05 - 14, 2020

Land only: $3,345.

Single supplement: $955. Optional group flight on Air Canada @$1,178.16 includes all taxes and fees.

Waitlist Only!


*If the tour is SOLD OUT, please contact us to be added to the waitlist.


Day 1 - Thursday, March 05: Depart Toronto for Rome

Evening departure from Toronto Pearson International with Air Canada's overnight direct flight to Rome's Fiumicino "Leonardo da Vinci" Airport. Dinner and light breakfast will be served.

Day 2 - Friday, March 06: Morning arrival in Rome

Morning arrival in the Italian capital. We begin our introductory panoramic coach tour of Imperial, Renaissance, Baroque and Modern Rome. Sites will include the Colosseum, the Imperial Forums, the Arch of Constantine, St. Peter Basilica, the Piazza Venezia, and the Victor Emmanuel Monument. Early afternoon arrival at the Mercure Roma Centro Colosseo( located in the historical centre of the “Eternal City”, only a few steps from the Colosseum. Time to rest before an introductory walking tour of our first of the seven Roman Hills...the Esquiline. This neighbourhood also features one of the four principal basilicas of the city - St. John Lateran, the cathedral church of Rome with its adjacent Lateran Palace. Welcome dinner in hotel.

Day 3 - Saturday, March 07: Imperial Rome Part I

The City of the Caesars is the theme of the day as we explore the Imperial Forums of Julius Caesar, Augustus, Nero and Trajan: the Colosseum, the Imperial Forums and the Roman Forum (flanked by the 20th Century Monument to King Victor Emmanuel, colloquially known as the “Wedding Cake”!), the Circus Maximus and the triumphal arches dedicated to Constantine, Titus and Septimus Severus. Group lunch in the relaxed atmosphere of a nearby trattoria before walking to yet another of the seven hills, the Capitoline, citadel seat of power since earliest times. Now known as the Campidoglio, its top features a magnificent piazza, designed by Michelangelo, surrounded by fine Medieval and Renaissance palaces, one of which houses the Capitoline Museum. We visit this superb site, with treasures such as the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, the Capitoline She-wolf bronze, the marble  Dying Gaul, and “bits and pieces” of a colossal marble statue of Emperor Constantine, including the head, the right hand, left foot. Remainder of day and evening at leisure. (

Day 4 - Sunday, March 08: Individual activities

The morning set aside for individual activities: two of the four great Basilicas - S. Maria Maggiore and S. John Lateran are close by for religious services to any and all; a quick visit to the National Roman Museum in the Palazzo Massimo alle Terme housing one of the world's most important collections of Classical art, including frescoes, mosaics, coins and word-famous bronze and marble Greek and Roman statues such as the ‘Boxer at Rest’, the ‘Discus Thrower’ and the statue of Augustus as High Priest; or perhaps a cappuccino while appreciating the atmosphere of a Roman Sunday morning. But our afternoon's group theme ‘Piazzas and Fountains - A Focus of Roman Social Life' will begin with lunch in Piazza Navona and its dramatic Fontana dei Fiumi. Then on to the Piazza di Spagna and its unusual Fontana della Baraccia to be followed by the Piazza Venezia, and of course the magnificent baroque Trevi Fountain. Evening at leisure.

The morning set aside for individual activities: two of the four great Basilicas - S. Maria Maggiore and S. John Lateran are close by for religious services to any and all; a quick visit to the National Roman Museum in the Palazzo Massimo alle Terme housing one of the world's most important collections of Classical art, including frescoes, mosaics, coins and word-famous bronze and marble Greek and Roman statues such as the ‘Boxer at Rest’, the ‘Discus Thrower’ and the statue of Augustus as High Priest; or perhaps a cappuccino while appreciating the atmosphere of a Roman Sunday morning. But our afternoon's group theme ‘Piazzas and Fountains - A Focus of Roman Social Life' will begin with lunch in Piazza Navona and its dramatic Fontana dei Fiumi. Then on to the Piazza di Spagna and its unusual Fontana della Baraccia to be followed by the Piazza Venezia, and of course the magnificent baroque Trevi Fountain. Evening at leisure.

Day 5 - Monday, March 09: Christian Rome Part I

The theme today, ‘Christian Rome', takes us by metro to Vatican City for a full tour morningof visits: St. Peter’s Basilica with its huge central altar, papal crypt, treasury, massive dome and Michelangelo’s evocative Pietà. The Vatican Museums, featuring frescoes by Raphael, paintings by Giotto, and antiquities such as the celebrated Hellenistic sculpture, Laocoön. And of course, the Sistine Chapel with Michelangelo’s superb paintings will be an absolute highlight but so too, a climb (or elevator) to the Dome of St. Peter’s for a memorable view of the Eternal City...stunning! Lunch in the Papal State, perhaps on the Via Della Conciliazione before we follow the Tiber strolling to S. Pietro in Vincoli. Originally intended to hold a significant Church relic, the chains that bound St. Peter during imprisonment in Rome and Jerusalem, today it is better known for the evocative, powerful majestic statue of Moses, sculpted by Michelangelo, intended for the tomb of Pope Julius ll. This evening, dinner in a trattoria .

Day 6 - Tuesday, March 10: Imperial Rome part II

After breakfast an excursion to the little town of Tivoli, situated in the foothills of the Apennine Mountains. Visits to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: first, the impressive ruins of Hadrian’s Villa, an elaborate residence built in the 2ndcentury AD for Emperor Hadrian, connoisseur of architecture and art (; and second, the fabulous Villa d’Este and its quixotic terraced gardens ( Group lunch in Tivoli before returning to Rome via the Gardens of the Villa Borghese, the Roman city walls, and the Via Veneto to the colourful Campus Martius District and the Pantheon, Rome’s best preserved ancient temple. Today it serves as the resting place for both the artist Raphael and Victor Emmanuel ll, first King of a unified Italy. Remainder of the day at leisure.

Day 7 - Wednesday, March 11: Personal Options Day

Individual choices are the theme of the day. Our city transit pass will allow flexibility and opportunity. Several suggestions below but Michael will be available for other alternatives, planning and discussion including a full day excursion to Pompeii and Naples. 

- Catacombs and the Appian Way (Via Appia) - one of the most famous of all Roman roads, which used to connect the city to the Adriatic seaport of Brindisi and hence to Greece. The road now features an archaeological zone with ancient tombs, the remains of aqueducts, and various catacombs, including the Catacombs of Callixtus, where numerous martyrs, popes and other early Christians were buried.·        

- Villa Borghese, Gardens and Galleria. ·      

- Wander through Trastevere, originally Etruscan territory, today a vibrant component of Roman life across the river. The Basilica of Santa Maria provides a perfect setting  for its magnificent Chancel mosaics. Enjoy an atmospheric coffee or white Est! Est! Est! in this quaint community·      

- Visit Baths of Caracalla & Domus Aurea

NOTE:A full day (approx. 13 hrs.) optional excursion to Pompeii and Naples is also available with a reputable  local company. Programme offers a morning visit to the world famous Naples National Archeological Museum and its outstanding mosaic, Battle of Alexander and Darius. Afternoon in Pompeii, at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. Guided tour of the dramatic ruins of this once prosperous Roman town, destroyed by an eruption of the volcano in 79AD. The return route to Rome will pass by the Benedictine Monastery of Monte Cassino, fully restored following its destruction during the Allied invasion of Italy in WW II.  Entrance fees and lunch are included in the cost (at this time €140.00). If interested, please advise the office prior to departure. 

Day 8 - Thursday, March 12: Christian Rome Part II

We begin our day at Castel Sant'Angelo - originally the mausoleum of Emperor Hadrian, transformed in the course of the centuries into a medieval fortress and a luxuriously decorated residence of Popes. Later, a short walk takes us to Piazza del Popolo and Santa Maria, a church that encompasses the finest masters of Roman Renaissance and Baroque art and architecture; Caravaggio, Bernini, Raphael, Bramante... all here!  Lunch alfresco in the lively vibrant open air food market of the Campo dei Fiori; a pause at the unique facades of the Spada and Farnese Palaces before ending the day appreciating the magnificent baroque Gesù, principal church of the Jesuit Order. Evening at leisure.

Day 9 - Friday, March 13: Contingency Day

An opportunity to meet the who’s who of European masters in the exceptional Galleria Doria Pamphili. Today considered by most to be the best of the private collection galleries in Rome, it offers Rubens, Correggio, Tintoretto, Brueghl, Titian, Bernini et al. The bus pass provides personal opportunities for "mop up" sightseeing but...the proximity of the vias Condotti and del Corso hint strongly of retail therapy and last minute purchases before ourevening arrivederci dinner in a typical ristorante!

Day 10 - Saturday, March 14: Return flight

Morning coach transfer to Rome's da Vinci Airport and  direct return flight to Toronto. Lunch and snack will be served before arriving in Toronto.





· Accommodation, based on double occupancy, in a centrally-located and very comfortable 4-star/first-class hotel. Single supplement for use of a double room is $955.00; · Buffet breakfast daily & a total of five dinners (or full lunch); · Transfers and all visits and sightseeing as described in the itinerary; · Gratuities to guides & drivers; · Seven-day Public Transit Pass; · Services of a tour escort.


· Wine, beer, mineral water, and similar beverages with lunch or dinner; · Meals other than those mentioned above; · All items of a personal nature; · Travel Insurance is available; please call for rates.


-  Daily Life in Ancient Rome, Jerome Carcopino

- The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People’s History of Ancient Rome, Michael Parenti

- The Renaissance in Rome, Loren Partridge

- Fleeting Rome: In Search of la Dolce Vita, Cario Levi

- The Pursuit of Italy: A History of a Land, Its Regions, and Their Peoples, David Gilmour

- The Italians, John Hooper

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